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This Aint My First Blog(eo)

Updated: Sep 25, 2022

I have blogged before. I have blogged as Robin Savage and I have blogged as my alter-ego, Cathy Gainer Corporate Trainer. You never know, she may make an appearance on this space someday. This is, however, my first blog on this website.

I had another website for years. It had a funny name and I wanted to make the funny name my brand. That didn't work out. The more I observed the successful people in this crazy business of comedy, the more I realized that they just used their actual name as both their brand and as their website. (Damn it, the business side is so tricky.)

This new website is symbolic of a lot of new stuff. I took a few years off of comedy to focus on my family. I took a couple of more years off to deal with the global pandemic, but now with one child out of high school and another child enthralled in high school, I decided to dust off my old knock knock jokes and give the world of stand-up comedy yet another chance to slap me around. Like Madonna, Tom Brady and the horrible sitcoms of the 90's, it is time for me to make my great comeback...New website, New Blog and even New Material (OK, mostly new, some old reliable bits are still at the bottom of my comedy noggin, next to the Walmart receipts and sticky wrapped cough drops.)

I have high hopes for this blog. I am hoping in the coming weeks to share what my break has been about. I have learned a lot during this time. I learned that life is precious and scary and beautiful and gut-wrenching. I have become a lot more grateful for the people in my world and the memories I have made with them. I have even found a way of getting order and organization in my life. (For those of you who knew me when I was a hot mess, I have learned about daily habits and habit stacking that have helped me to become a lukewarm mess.)

There is a lot to unpack and I hope all of you will be curious enough to look into the hefty bags of thoughts and observation that will be my blog. If not, I can always put them in the Goodwill bag labelled KwirkyBird, which is sadly still in the trunk of my car.

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