After a few stops and starts with other blogs, I decided to take up blog writing at the end of 2022. I remember thinking to myself, this is a fantastic plan if I was living in 2007. As the weeks went on, I have done a pretty good job of writing one post per week. (Ok, I slacked a little over the holiday, but I had sweet treats to eat.)
Recently, I watched an interesting You-Tube that stated social media is only about videos now. Apparently no one cares about blogs and blog posting. so I thought going forward I would combine this blog and make it a video blog, or a vlog. Which would be a great idea, if I were living 2011.
In addition, I listened to a podcast that discussed the trend of body-doubling videos. This is a video of someone doing a task, like studying or wrapping gifts, and the people watching the video are performing the same task. It is supposed to help individuals with ADHD complete tasks. (I have never been diagnosed with ADHD, but I feel like I have it. In all fairness, I feel like I most of the things though.)
The one advantage that writing has over video recording is that writing takes no prep time. Sure, you have to get in the head-space to write, and yes it takes time to procrastinate for the first 3 hours of sitting down to write, but you don't necessarily have to shower or clean up your room in order to write. All things are true if you incorporate video, you and your background space need to look presentable.
I am bestowing you with a video of me editing my blog. There is no surprise silliness. (There is one cameo of my cat, though.) The video is just me editing what might be my most ridiculous blog to date.
Let me know in the comments below, if this inspires you or if you have had just about enough with my stupidity.