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I Do Not Never Dislike The Double Negative

Writer: Robin SavageRobin Savage

I was an Android phone user until just a few years ago. All the people yammering on about how much better the iPhone was got on my nerves. Since I have a bad habit of digging my heels into dumb arguments, I didn't get the iPhone on principle alone. A few years ago, I finally caved. I could never find accessories for my particular brand of Android and my group text chains never worked well for me. I was an Android girl living in an iPhone world.

I am now on my second IPhone and I get it, it is better. Not amazingly better, not life changing better, it is just less glitchy and a bit faster than the other phones that I have had....with one Caveat. I hate the ringer on/off switch. In the Android, most are just labeled Ringer On/ Ringer Off. It is pretty straight forward, either you want to hear the phone ring or not. Oh, but the Apple company decided to mark their ringers as Silent Mode On/Silent Mode Off. This is so frustrating for me. I am not a lady with a fancy degree, so when I need to mute my phone I have to think, 'If I want my phone not to ring than I have to say Yes to Silent Mode On? Or if I am saying No to Silent Mode does that mean the ringer will in fact become silent or am I saying no to the silence and not the mode?'

I think this frustration harkens back to the days of elementary school when some teachers would say things like, "Ok class, how many people don't want to not do homework? Oh look at how many people raised their hands. I guess that means you ALL want to do homework." Look, god bless teachers, you are doing a job that I could never do, but can you cool it with the jokey double negative stuff. It is an irritating and (obviously) sticks with someone for a lifetime.

The Grand Pooba of double negative frustration

comes out on the voting ballots. I recently early voted on the midterm elections. Prior to going into the voting booth I was mailed a copy of this year's ballot that listed the candidates and the state and county amendments that we are voting on. Upon reading the legally speak of each amendment, I had no idea what any of it meant. I had to search the internet to find a layman's version of what I was actually being asked to vote for. Even when I figured out the issues, the wording of the voting was still confusing. So am I voting on not stopping bundled legislation to be forced through. Does that me I vote yes to stop it, or is it no? It is frustrating and unfair. I think any politician who writes that type of legislation should be legally required to have a smug elementary school teacher on hand at each voting precinct to break it down for the rest of us dummies...Or be a decent human

and give folks a clear definition on a vote that would impact our lives.

What is your worst double negative story? Don't not comment below. (That was a trick, if you don't not comment than that means you, in fact, must comment.)


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