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5 (Wildly Popular) Movies That I Never Watched

Writer's picture: Robin SavageRobin Savage

Two of my friends, Mary and Jae, started podcast called Screens on Screens on Screens. The podcast, much like my friends, is very funny and insightful. Mary and Jae explore different movies or famous directors and carefully dissect their films. I have listened to (and loved) every single podcast episode, but I haven't seen almost any of the movies that they reference. (In their M.Knight Shymalan episode, I had seen The Sixth Sense, so I am not at zero.)

I am by no means an elitist regarding any type of entertainment. I used to watch movies all of the time. In the early 1980's (I was in Junior High) there wasn't much entertainment to choose from when I lived in a small town. On the weekends you could go to the roller skating rink, watch Friday Night Videos (our town's cable provider was slow to get MTV ) or rent movies. I watched all the 1980's classics: Purple Rain, Top Gun, Policy Academy (All of them), Revenge of The Nerds ( All of them). I even watched the extra spicy ones like, Porky's and Fast Times at Ridgemont High.

In the 1990's I was in my 20's and preferred barhopping, but I still kept up on the big films of the time. I went to the theaters to see Schindler's List, JFK, Wayne's World, Tommy Boy, Forrest Gump, all the lusty Michael Douglas films (none of which I liked, but I digress).

My life in the early 2000's ushered in motherhood and with that I kind of lost interest in

watching movies. It was never my intent. I even remember thinking that one day I would just catch up on all of the movies that I hadn't had time for. That day never came. It's my firm belief that social media and cell phones have ruined my already limited attention span. I can scroll through Reels or Tik Tok for hours, but I can't follow and comprehend a plotline longer than 30 seconds. Plus some movies, unlike most Tik Toks that I watch, don't include cats.

With all that being explained, be prepared to be completely aggravated (at least if your a movie fan) by my list:

  1. HocusPocus- This is the reason I wrote this blog. So many people are watching the sequel with so many varying opinions. I never saw the original. After Googling the first movie, I learned it came out in 1993. I guess I have no real excuse. I am going to assume that it seemed like a kid's movie, I was 23 and went to a bar instead.

  2. RoadHouse- I have had people crumble before me when I tell them that I have never seen that movie. After another quick Google search, I realized that film came out in 1989. I really could have seen it, I was only 19. I would have had the free time, I was probably still out a bar though. (Not one with a muscle-bound bouncer like at the Roadhouse, he would have checked my ID.)

  3. The Avenger Movies- None of them. With very few exceptions, I haven't seen most of the Marvel Universe films. I have a lot of friends who follow and adore these characters. It just seems like a lot. I watched All My Children for close to 30 years (off and on) and I am a HUGE Harry Potter fan. I feel like following those interwoven storylines of each have taken up most of my mental energy to last awhile.

  4. Avatar- When that movie came out, people were telling me to go see it for the stunning effects, it was 3 hours long, but the animation was so life-like. I passed. That is like telling me to go to Taco Bell just for their soft tortillas.

  5. The Devil Wears Prada- I am very hesitant to admit to this one. I am picturing all my friends who are movie buffs immediately deleting my contact info. In my defense, it did come out in 2006, at which time I had both an infant and a toddler living in my house. I know I can probably find it on some streaming service, but by now I already know what happens...Emily Blunt marries John Krasinski and then becomes the new Mary Poppins (I did see that movie).

Thanks for the read, I hope we can still be friends. Go see a movie this weekend (if you are into that) and listen to my friends' podcast (that is mandatory.)

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